So finally its here, the ability to target your Facebook posts to your segments what does that mean for us all?

Facebook targeting on posts moves beyond its previous language and location criteria to a more advanced set of segmented criteria

Facebook Targeting now includes:

  • Age
  • Education
  • Gender
  • Interested in…
  • Relationship Status
  • Workplace

So how could these new criteria be used? How will FMCG make the most of this new feature.

From both the perspective of the consumer and the shopper Facebook serves as place to share, recommend and shame brands and products we like, love and loave. As an FMCG supplier this new feature provides the opportunity to look across your audience and begin to fine tune your messages and content to nurture brand equity but most importantly create a targeted ecosystem where promotions and infromation become relevant to specific audience segments. The more personal these messages become the more influential your voice also becomes and in the case of shopper marketing creates greater direct influence.

So how will you use Facebbook targeting with your audience? Not sure give us a call and we’ll help create a social strategy and implement it!