Category, Shopper & Sales2024-06-25T14:36:21+01:00

Category, Shopper & Sales

We’re here to help you convince retailers to list your products and persuade shoppers to buy them, either in-store or on-line

We specialise in all aspects of category, shopper and sales management. Our range of services is designed to drive commercial growth for you and your brands.

All our services are built from proven, best practice tools and processes. They’re delivered by our team of experienced and highly engaged FMCG and retail professionals in the UK and worldwide. It’s that combination of leading edge methodology and astute, expert specialists that gives our insight the edge.

What we do…

Category Management

Shopper Marketing


Sales Management

News & Insight

View From The Bridge

The contract we need to help households achieve greater sustainability A new report from the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has said that households should play an important role in the battle against global warming [...]

Insights the key to the merriest Christmas for FMCG suppliers

Insights the key to the merriest Christmas for FMCG suppliers New research suggesting that despite political and economic uncertainty Britons will spend more than their contemporaries in any other European country this Christmas - an average [...]

Our clients are always coming back for more

Discover what we could do for you

Please get in touch if you’d like to talk about optimising your brand performance through market-leading category, shopper and sales insight and action.

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